About Me

My photo
"Hello! Hello! Hello! - Hello!" What? Tell something about myself. "Why Soitenly!" First and foremost I am a big fan of The Three Stooges!!! I'm a leader like Moe ( "I'll lead the way. Go ahead!" ), I work like Larry ( Moe: "Get the Tools". Larry: "What tools?" Moe: "The tools we been using for the last ten years!" Larry: "Oh, Those Tools!" ), I think like Curly ( "I'm trying to think but nothing happens" ). I was told this would make me poifect for the military!!! So I join the Air Force back in 1979 and stayed in for 13 years. Served in Desert Storm in 1991. "I make a lot of money but I got sick of the dough, and thought I'd go on the loaf." So I got out of the Air Force and join the Kansas Air National Guard in 1992. I have a great love for dogs! In fact I have four dogs that live in my house right now. "Arf! Arf! Arf!" & "RrrrARF!" After a long day at work, I come home, open the door, kiss the dogs and pat the wife on the head. What a life!!! "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk" Of course after my wife reads this she's going to hit me on the head just like Moe would do Curly. And I'm going to have to run for the hills! "Woo, woo, woo, woo!!!"

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


The Boys (Jay "Moe" Novelli, Josh "Larry" Silverman, Ron "Curly" Hites) with Joan Howard Maurer (Moe's daughter).
This photo was sent to me by Scott Reboul who gave his "Stooges presentation" at The Stoogeum last year!
It was the story about how he and his father traveled on a BUS from New York all the way to California to see and meet with the real Stooges back when he was very young!!!
It is one of the best presentation's I have ever seen or heard!!!
Interviews, pictures ...etc. etc. etc.
He is going to give it again this April 2008 at The Stoogeum.
So don't miss it!!!
(Photo courtesy of Scott Reboul)
The Three Stooges Fan Club Meeting is not affiliated with Comedy III Productions, Inc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed by the assemblage of photos on the blog. This photo in particular brings back fond memories of the three of us dressing as "Three Little Pirates" -- and you were perfect in the Curly role! I'm looking forward to stooging alongside you again at tne next Fan Club meeting!

Josh AKA "Larry"